The Sponsor a Family Committee is so grateful to everyone who participated in our Thanksgiving program on November 10. It was a glorious day and we thank all of you who helped to make it a great success!! Now we have the opportunity to provide families from Queen of the Most Holy Rosary and Our Lady of Loretto with the gift of a Christmas Dinner!!
As with Thanksgiving, we are asking for dinners for families of four, six or eight people. To help you and to simplify your shopping, we are again asking for a Stop & Shop gift card to cover the cost of the main portion of the dinner and we will give you a “suggested shopping list” for the remainder of the meal items.
The deadline to sign-up is Tuesday, December 4. There are several ways to do so:
• Return the bottom portion of this form to one of the “Sponsor a Family” boxes at the Church entrances.
• Email your name, address, phone number and family size you wish to sponsor to
• Call Pat DiMattia at 294-9316
All food is to be dropped off at St. Joseph’s School/CCD entrance on Fourth Street on Saturday, December 8 between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.
If you are able to assist us as a driver on December 8, please contact Evelyn Fasano at 747-3235.
Thank you for your continued support, and God bless you and your family during this joyful Christmas season!
Please click on the attached file below for a Sponsor a Family Form