Prayers for Military Personnel
Captain Andrew Ashford – U.S. Army
Lt. JG Catherine McGowan Baker – U.S. Navy
1st . Lt. Timothy Baker – U.S.M.C.
Sgt. William Barna, II – U.S. Army
Spec. Brian Banules U.S. Army
AFC Matthew E. Berrell – U.S. Air Force
Captain James Bithorn –U.S. Army
Lt. Margaret Brown – U.S. Coast Guard
Spec. Services - Marshall Brown
Private Matthew Brustien –U.S. Army
Captain Kevin Byrne – U.S. Navy
Gunnery Sgt. Dennis Cashin – U.S.M.C.
Major John B. Chiara U.S. Army
Capt. Ryan Delaney – U.S. Army
Lt. Christopher DelBello - U.S. Navy
Major Aram Donigian – U.S. Army
Master Sgt. Jim Dupont - U.S.M.C.
Lt. James Fallon – U.S. Army
Captain Timothy Foxen - U.S. Marines
Colonel David Everett – U.S. Army
Lt. JG Joseph E. Fitzgerald – U.S. Navy
2nd Lt. Michael C. Fitzgerald – U.S. Army
Cpl. Christopher Florea – U.S.M.C.
Captain Thomas Q. Gallagher – U.S. Navy
Major William J. Gordon –U.S. Army
Pfc. Christopher Gupta – U.S. Army
SFC Frederick Haslett - U.S. Army
Sgt. Major Scott Hays – U.S. Army
Major Luke Holian –U.S.M.C.
Colonel Chrissie Vallely/Houser – U.S.M.C.
Captain Joseph A. Houser – U.S.N.
Lance Corporal William M. Ilardi U.S.M.C.
Lance Cpl. Jessica Jackson - U.S.M.C.
Major Michael Jordan – U.S. Army
Captain Kevin Joyce - U.S. Army
Sgt. Thomas Joyce – U.S.M.C.
SFC Larry Kates –U.S. Army
2nd Lt. Lindsay Kelly – U.S. Army
Lance Corporal Timothy E. Kelly - U.S.M.C.
Lt. Col. John Kelly - U.S. Army
Captain James Kenny - U.S.M.C
Captain Rory Kent –U.S.M.C.
Colonel Jack Kilbride – U.S. Army
Colonel Tom Kilbride – U.S. Army
Colonel Chris Kolenda – U.S. Army
Captain Jonathan Krug - U.S. Army
S Sgt. Tim Larmore – U.S. Army
SPC Steven Lauderdale – U.S. Army
Airman Emilio Lazia – U.S. Air Force
Captain Patrick Little – U.S. Air Force
Staff Sgt. Edmundo Lobaton – U.S.M.C.
Lance Cpl. Christopher Ludwig – U.S.M.C.
CW2 Michael McDaniels - U.S. Army
Colonel Thomas McFarland – U.S.M.C.
Keith McNeish – U.S. Army
S Sgt. Dustin Millett - U.S. Army
Sgt. James Moore –U.S. Army
LCDR William Murray - U. S. Navy
Pvt. Ian Donoghue-Neider – U.S. Army
Major Alexandria Nugent - U. S. Air Force
Lt. Colonel David Nugent - U.S. Air Force
Captain Michael Petit – U.S.M.C.
Cpl. Matthew Plumacher – U.S.M.C.
F. C. Patrick Preziosi - U.S. Navy
C. Chief Nicholas Preziosi – U.S.A.F
PVT. Ian Donoghue-Neider – U.S. Army
SPC Matthew Rouse – U.S. Army
SFC Rene Sanchez – U.S. Army
Spec. Joseph Santos, U.S. Army
Pfc. Jonathan Schiffer –U.S. Army
PFC Quinn M. Sullivan - U.S. Army National Guard
1st Lt. Tara A. Sutcliffe - U.S.M.C.
Captain James Tierney - U.S. Army
SFC Alex Torres – U.S. Army
Lt. Colonel Elena N. Vallely, U.S.M.C.
Lt. Colonel T. J. Vallely, IV – U.S.M.C.
Chaplain Fr. Timothy Valentine, SJ–U.S. Army
1st Lt. Marc Vielledent - U.S. Army
Sgt. Morgan Weaver – U.S. Army
Captain Ryan Weld – U.S. Air Force
Master Sgt. Brian L. Wellbrock - U.S.A.F.
Lt. Michael F. Wendelken - U.S. Navy
Colonel E. David Woycik, Jr. –U.S. Army

If you know of anyone in the military that you would like to include in this weekly prayer intention, call the Rectory Office at 747-3535.
In addition to their name, rank and branch of service, include your name and phone number.
Please let us know if there has been a change in Military Rank and when your loved one has safely returned home.