Directory of Ministries and Organizations

The Pastoral Council is an advisory group to the pastor that serves as a liaison between parishioners and the pastoral staff.

Members serve by appointment of the pastor for a three year term. Parishioners who are interested should speak to the pastor.

The Pastoral Council Members want very much for you to know who they are and for you to be talking to them about anything that will help us to be a strong parish.

Parish Trustees

  • Mr. Michael White  
  • Mr. Thomas O'Brien

Council Members

  • Mrs. Maria Franco
  • Mr. John Grymes 
  • Mr. Patrick McCormack
  • Mr. Michael Milone 
  • Mrs. Loretta Nugent 
  • Mr. Tom Scaturro
  • Mrs. Yvonne Varano
  • Mr. John Villanella
  • Mrs. Peggy York 

Primary Contact: Msgr. James P. Swiader 
Phone: 516-747-3535 
Volunteers Needed: No