
St. Joseph's Music Ministry

Posted on September 03, 2024 in: General News

 It’s time  to join the Adult Choir!

The Adult Choir is starting up again after the summer break. This is a
perfect time for anyone who has been thinking about joining the choir to do so.
Rehearsals are usually Thursday evenings from 8:00-9:30 p.m., with a short
warm-up period on Sunday mornings before the 10:30 Mass.
There are many of you out there with great voices, and we need you! -
Please consider joining us. For more information see Joseph Cangialosi in the
Choir Loft after any of the Masses or call the Rectory at 516-747-3535 ext. 129.

The Contemporary Music Ministry 
The Contemporary Music Ministry is also looking for new singers and instrumentalists at the
10 a.m. Mass in the Auditorium. If you have an interest or know someone who does, please leave
a message for Jim Tornatore at the Rectory: 516- 747-3535, or just stop by and chat after the 10 a.m.
Mass on Sunday.