
Founded upon Faith,
Entrusted with a Mission,
Building for Our Future

The brochures outlining St. Joseph Parish Capital Campaign were mailed to all registered parishioners. The work of repair and renovation is well under way. We are happy to say that the replacement of the air conditioning system and the refinishing of the pews in the church is actually a bit ahead of schedule.

We earnestly encourage all parishioners to give your prayerful attention to the Campaign brochure and prayerfully consider making a three-year sacrificial pledge to support this project – much-needed work for present needs in the church and for future needs around the parish facilities.

This work is clearly laid out in the brochure, along with a guide for making a pledge that can be fulfilled over the course of three years. We are building for the future of St. Joseph Parish, so that we can continue to fulfill our mission for the generations yet ahead of us. Please consider your own participation in the Campaign through whatever pledge you are able to make. Every parishioner and family is vital to the success of this project.

In the words of St. Paul to the Ephesians:

“You are fellow citizens with the saints and holy ones,
And members of the household of God,
Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets,
With Christ Jesus himself as the capstone.”

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